The Libertines
I've tried so hard to keep myself from falling
Back into my bad old ways
And it chars my heart to always hear you calling
Calling for the good old days
Because there were no good old days
These are the good old days
Back into my bad old ways
And it chars my heart to always hear you calling
Calling for the good old days
Because there were no good old days
These are the good old days
Beatrice Jakobsson (foto)
sv: jaa :(
© mmjt - [FOTO]
svar: detsamma!
allt bra då? :)
nja, ätit ute med pappa och så, annars bara vart hemma :) sj?
sv.ja men bara vi alla gör våran lilla del så :)
själv ville jag bara prova att inspirera lite :)
Michaela =)
sv: Jag vet! De borde inte finnas, höhö..